Friday, February 24, 2017


I finally was able to get a photograph of my "Sarah" version of my "Serita" class. I will be teaching this on March 11th in the morning at the Pie Plate Pattern Super Spring Retreat. I believe that there are still a few spots left in the class.  Always a wonderful retreat!

No Name yet
Alright, I have spent the last half hour trying to get the above photograph uploaded right side up. WHY? does the uploader insist on rotating my photograph? I don't get it.  Does anyone know how to rotate a photograph in blogger?  The straight edge should be up.

I actually finished something!  LOL! It is just a small piece, but it was fun! I had some scraps from another project that I had sewn together. I found some bias tape, cheap, at the local thrift shop and decided to play with it a bit.  I then practiced my FMQ.  I am trying to get better at it. I am getting pretty good at peace signs.  My favorite symbol right now.

I have been making our bread for the last couple of years.  I found an easy, no knead method that works wonderfully! This loaf has some whole wheat, flax seed and poppy seed in it. It was delicious!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Nothing to show, or rather nothing I am allowed to show


I have finished a couple of art quilts recently.  But I am not allowed to show the results yet. First up is for the Inspired by Elvis challenge. I did a piece for the song "Moonlight Swim" from the movie "Blue Hawaii".  I used a Blue Hawaii novelty print for the backing. You can see the trimmings above. I had trouble with this piece, I used a collage technique and I didn't allow enough extra for the shrinkage.  I made a very wide binding.
The other piece is for a challenge, "Dream On". The first thought that came to my mind was the line "Clouds in my Coffee" from the Carly Simon song.  I had this wonderful coffee themed novelty print in my stash, so that is on the back. Of course I had to piece it, it is a directional print and I needed it in the other direction.

I have been trying to organize my new sewing room. It is quite a bit smaller than my previous space. Quite the challenge to get things to fit. I am using a second closet for my half of my fabric stash since the one in my room is about half the size of the previous room. Yesterday Sweetie hung up a couple of shelves on the wall and also put up some of my mini art quilt collection for me.

Shelves and mini quilts
The lower shelf is above my cutting table. I hope it will help me keep some of the clutter off the cutting area.
More mini quilts
The quilt hanging below the shelf is my Pin collector's quilt. I have a bunch of lapel pins which fit nicely in the center squares. Then I started to pin name tags from retreats and such in the borders. The feather duster is my Sweetie's addition.
Mystery Box
I have a lot of mystery items stored. I was sorting out some things that were crammed into the upper shelf in the closet and found this little box. Hmm, wonder what it could be? (I am not famous for labeling boxes)
I forgot about this UFO!
My Frank Lloyd Wright project from a Jackie Robinson class!
Class handout
I had all the parts in the box along with the receipt for the class and the class handout.  I took this class in Sacramento in 2003.
All the wonderful leftovers!
All the leftover parts! I love leftover parts! They turn into new stuff.
Wow! A lot of fabric in that box. Some was used in the quilt top, some not. I am sure that I could have used some of those in other projects over the years. If only I had looked into the mystery box sooner! And what gets me is the color scheme I used for this design! It is so Kanab like! 14 years ago when I took this class I had no idea we would end up in Kanab! I will post more on this project next week, I am really excited to finish it up and get it hung on the wall in the hallway.

What is he doing in that box?
I have no idea what this block is doing in the box or what it was intended. Might have been a sample for a block of the month I did for one of my California guilds. He must have jumped into this box by mistake.

I am linking to Amanda Jean, Nina-Marie, Sarah Myra Emily Judy Beth and Beth