I took a couple week break from blogging. Sometimes there is nothing to say and the last couple of weeks there was nothing I wanted to say.
This week I have some photographs from the Springville Art Museum's annual quilt show.
Yellow Tulips |
First up is a lovely hand appliqued quilt by my good friend, Florence Evans. Her applique is exquisite! And her machine quilting wonderfully enhances the quilt!
Ruth Ewers |
Next up is a small piece by my substitute mom and dear friend Ruth Ewers. I forgot the title. She started this in a Gloria Loughman class.
Path to Inspiration |
This piece is by another good friend, Anne Munoz. She batiked and dyed the fabric and added machine quilting.
Lisa and Carol |
For some reason they chose to squeeze these two pieces together in a too small space. The piece on the right is by another good friend (can you see the theme of my blog post ;) ?) Lisa Chin. It is made of silk. The piece on the right is made by Carol Johnson. It looks to be hanging crooked, but it is just the slope of Lisa's piece that gives that illusion.
Me on the left, Lisa on the right |
I made "Yellow" for a monthly online art group challenge. The background is free form pieced and the appliques are bits of quilted leftovers from another piece. They were applied by machine. Lisa Chin's piece was made for the "Threads of Resistance" challenge and was not accepted into the traveling show.
Embrace the Curve |
And the last of my little Springville slide show," Embrace the Curve". I have posted about this piece previously
here. I am very happy with the way it turned out.
The show is very good this year. We stopped on the way back from the lake and I didn't not have time to linger, but went through very quickly. I did not go through the red and white quilts since I had seen that collection on display at the quilt show in St. George earlier this year.
Stage 3 |
I have been knitting on my Tour De Sock socks. I set aside Stage 2 to try and get Stage 3 finished by the deadline. I didn't finish on time. But I chose to continue with 3's because I was really moving along and the pattern was in my memory. I finished last night and will cast on stage 4 today. I will eventually go back to my stage 2's, but probably after the Tour is finished.
Challenging Kane |
Detail |
One of the local guilds is named "Raising Kane". We live in Kane County. This year there is a challenge. We bought a fat quarter of the challenge fabric and need to make a quilt using it in a recognizable amount in at least 2 places on the quilt. It needs to be at least 24" square and less than 36"square (does not have to be square, but within that size range) I completed my piece early since we are packing up for another month long trip and I won't be here for the reveal. I am pretty sure that the locals don't know my blog, so I hope it is safe to show today. The challenge fabric is the multi colored print. I used free form piecing and then tried to put the "blocks" together so it didn't look like blocks. I machine quilted an off center X and then filled in each quadrant with V's. The edges really waved and I aggressively blocked it before trimming. I am pleased with the result.