The debris pile, before. |
I did have candlelight in turquoise blue! |
Needs to be re-basted. |
If you were the small paddle where would you be?
Under the spare sewing machine! |
Tub full of UFO's. |
Found the fabrics for class next week. |
From a class I took in April. |
Goes along with the April class. |
How did that get in the debris pile? |
The debris pile after. |
I am not the best at keeping things organized. I try keep things in order, and then I get involved in project and the fabrics start flying. Then I get side-tracked with another project and the first one gets moved to the corner. Repeat several times.
I am taking a dyeing class next week. I wanted to bring some fabrics that I dyed at the
Dye Party in July. Several weeks ago, I sorted the hand dyes that I had made at the various Dye Parties into a "like it" pile and a "it needs something more" pile. The "needs" pile I put in a bag and put it in a safe place so that I could find it when it was time to start packing for this upcoming trip to the quilt conference. Needless to say, it was never seen again. There were a few other things I lost track of and decided time to tidy up.
First I moved a bag that has a basted quilt in it. I had started to quilt it sometime in May. Didn't like how it was turning out, spent an afternoon picking out all the stitches and then rolled it up and put it in a bag. Guess what was in the bag? A ziplock bag with the threads that I had intended on using to quilt it.
Including the candlelight in turquoise that I thought I had but couldn't find last week when I was trying to finish quilting the collaboration quilt.
I found the small machine quilting paddle. I had my 440 in to the shop for a small repair and had the 1080 up on the table. When the 440 came home (all better!) I moved the 1080 back under the table between two rolling carts. I know that the paddle fell doing this procedure. I did search and never found it. I just lifted the 1080 to move a cord and guess what it was sitting on?
I dumped all those UFO's in the tub the last time I tidied up. Those are the ones that I am hoping to do soon. I need the tub to tote all my crap, er, um, supplies to the the conference. At least 5 or 6 basted quilts are in there. Now they are on the spare chair. I will work on them when I get back. Really!
Found the "needs" fabrics! They were down a few layers in the debris pile.
Found another project that I wanted to work on. I took a class on using TAP at the
Pie Plate Patterns Quilt Retreat in April. I have had this idea for making a piece using my parents wedding photos. When I saw that
Lisa was teaching the TAP class, I thought it was time to try to do something with the photos. The packages were not with the fabric in the debris pile.
Next I found another UFO that I had intended to finish up late last year. I know that it was pinned to the design wall once upon a time. I must have taken it down to work on. I may have fused a piece or two.
Now that corner is tidy. And the things I need for the class and conference are in the tub. Now to print out the supply list for the class so I can gather the rest of the stuff.