Friday, July 17, 2020


 The Stitching Post canceled their outdoor show for this year. It was the right thing to do. Even though the show is outdoors, so many people attend that it would be impossible to safely social distance.  Valori put out the call on FB for quilters to take a photograph of a quilt outdoors and post it. I got a bit carried away. I was trying to figure out where to hang a quilt for a photo op and thought of my fence facing the street. I realized I could make a mini show so I filled my fence with quilts!  I left them up all day.
My filled fence

Me with the hashtag sign.

Slash preview
 Last time I talked about a collaboration piece I had been working on. I used the two quilted pieces to make the finished piece. I thought about hearts being broken and shattered.

In progress


This is the finished quilt. It is 15 inches square. I had trouble with the brown lightening bolt being secure so I added the bias tape and I think it worked even better in highlighting the slash. It went off in the mail to the coordinator. It was nice to get something finished.

I have still been spinning every day for  Tour De Fleece. These two skeins are the results from spinning sample bits.

Pretty Clouds yesterday
And my pretty photograph for the post.

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Monday, July 6, 2020

July heat wave

I am trying to finish a collaboration piece. The Heart is what I received, I quilted it. I plan on slashing it and adding the brown piece between the slashes. Stayed tuned, I hope to show it completed next week. Just getting my nerve up to do the slashing.

Baby hat and mini mitts
My friend's daughter is expecting a baby girl, due in the next couple of weeks. I send baby hats for the new babies. Lately I have also been including mitten ornaments.  They are simple knits and use up the last bits of sock yarns. Pattern is here. 

Sample fibers

A finished yarn!
These last couple of weeks I have been spinning for the Tour de Fleece event. I bought a spinning wheel two years ago. I spun a bit the first summer and then only every great once in a while. Then I had some issues, I needed to buy a new drive band and it took longer than I thought it would to arrive. And the wheel needed some adjustments.  I did a small, practice spin the end of May. Yesterday I plied it an got a finished yarn. Might be enough for a hat. My dear friend, Karen, got me hooked into spinning. We used to knit together and drink coffee. I moved 3-1/2 years ago and she just moved to Washington state. I have missed our get togethers. I was able to go up to see her last year and have a spin lesson. Of course, since I didn't practice, it did not take. Karen has also gotten into weaving.  Her yarns are beautiful and her cotton towels are wonderful!  You can see her stuff here

I have noticed an improvement on my spinning since I have been practicing almost every day. Karen had given me a large box of fiber when I got my wheel. A lot of it was samples that she had and didn't want, along with some other treats. I also have bought a few braids on my own. I have enough fiber to keep me busy for a while.

Canoeing on Jackson Flats Lake
And here is my pretty photograph for the week. Sweetie and I took the canoe over to the little lake nearby. We went early, so very few people out there. It was calm and peaceful. And bonus! Sweetie caught 3 fish!

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Cooking up Quilts
