Friday, June 4, 2021

Finished with Joe

I have another finish to show off! I took a class from Joe Cunningham in September of 2017. It was a lot of fun! I love free form cutting and sewing techniques and this really hit the spot. As so many of my projects, once this was a top it got set aside.  Sometime in the last year or two  I started to quilt this top. It kept getting put aside.  Earlier this year I was determined to finish it. 

Barbara and my work in class
I was working on my piece in class and then went to the luncheon. I sat across the table from my friend, Barbara. I realized she was wearing a blouse that looked just like my project!  

End of the day progress
I pretty much finished the top in class. Looking at this photograph now I can see the issues that came up later in the process. Look at all those ripples at the edges. And note how it isn't even close to have a straight edge on any of the sides.


I finally got it quilted last summer. This is the first trimming. It is too large for my cutting table and I tried to straightened edges by folding it. Did not work. Not only is there ripples at the edge, but it was no where near having 90 degree corners.  It went into time out.  I tried to stay stitch around the edge and then block it flat. Nope.  Time out again.  I pulled it out last month and ironed it and then carefully trimmed. I added a binding and called it good to go.


I took this photograph after it had been folded and stored for a bit. It is kinda, sorta flat if you look past the fold lines.  I think I am happy with the final result. Looking at the class photograph I can see that I didn't lose too much of the design in the trimming of the quilted piece. I have a lot of chunks of large trimmings. I set them aside to play with at another time. The quilt measures about 44 inches by 37 inches.


I had enough fabric leftover from the backing to make a bowl!  I hadn't made any bowls for a while and it was fun.

And for my pretty photograph of this post I have two of the same cactus flower. I love the coloration of this one! Not sure which photograph I liked better, so added both. Which do you prefer?

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  1. Love how your friend's top matches your quilt!
    Good for you persevering and getting it to "done!"
    Thank you for linking up to TGIFF!

  2. That's so funny that your friend's top matched your top (quilt top, that is). It turned out great. Perseverance is a virtue to be valued.

  3. Sometimes quilts have to sit on the sidelines until you develop the institutional knowledge and skill set to finish them. This one is a perfect example. It is so much stronger for your zeroing on the design and enhancing it with match stick quilting.

  4. How sublime--your classmate's shirt and your quilt!!! Looks like you handled the squaring up just fine in the end. Pretty flowers--both are great photos!

  5. Ohh I like how you quilted it - it draws your eyes all over the quilt - and we will never notice any boo boos - as we are too busy ohhing and ahhing over it!!!

  6. Great quilting job. Sometimes even with great force a quilt just won't lay flat. Do the best you can and move on. You were able to finish a UFO and earned extra points for that!


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