Pin Basting away |
Oops! We have a problem |
Adding another strip of backing |
I should have left off some pins |
Finishing the center seam |
All better |
Ready to pin baste the last section |
Somehow the easiest things are always way more complicated than they need to be. I have blogged on that before
here. So last week I was going to charge ahead and get a t-shirt quilt made for my nephew. Well, I couldn't find my fusible interfacing that I knew I had on hand. Rather than wasting a long time looking for it I chose to go the store and buy more. So of course when I started to work on the project I found the old interfacing. Right underneath the 2 large cuts of fabric that I was using for the t-shirt quilt! I got two blocks made and then I got side tracked. Again.
I decided that I needed to make a quilt for my Dad for his birthday on the 27th. Since it is such a short time line, I needed to go with some quilt top that I had "in stock". I had made this plaid 9-patch that is a large lap size. And I had a backing purchased as well. I also had a chunk of batting that I had intended for the t-shirt quilt that is large enough. Perfect, let's go.
Well I forgot that I hadn't pressed any of the seams during the process of putting all the blocks together. That took much longer than I expected. I folded the unpressed, pre-washed backing in half lengthwise to make sure it was long enough. Pretty close, I think it will work. So I clipped the selvage and tore it into two pieces. Sewed them together. Wow, there is almost a 3 inch gap. Oh, I am sure it will be fine. NOT. I got most of the top pin basted and realized that where the gap was it was about an inch short. I was not willing to take out all the pins and start over, so I spliced in a strip (after having to straighten the cut edge, which was about 2 inches off grain, UGH) and of course it was tricky because I didn't leave enough unpinned area to work easily. Heaven forbid I take a few pins out. Spliced and finished pin basting.
I was able to get about a fourth of the quilting done. I am just doing cross hatched wiggle lines. But the first direction takes longer because I have to remove the pins as I am sewing along. I hope to get more quilting done today.
This is my Design Wall Monday post. Check out what everyone else is doing at
Judy's blog.