Last week I was side-tracked by Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS awareness. It is a very emotional subject for me having lost both my mother and brother to the disease. It also has been a tearful time, 8 years ago on the 18th was when Mom died. I am touched every time I see an ice dump! My good friend
Lisa did an
Ice Bucket Challenge. If you would like to donate to this wonderful cause here is the link to the donation site
ALS. Thanks!
So what I was going to write about last week was my Odin II. I used the leftover pieces from my
challenge quilt to piece another quilt. I had so much fun! This quilt went together as if it were meant to be!
D cup |
Running dyes |
As it happens when you quilt closely, my quilt poofed up a very nice D cup. I decided to block it before trimming. I spritzed the bottom half, let it sit for a few minutes and the steam pressed it flat. I sprayed the top half and when I came back to press it the orange dyes ran into the sky. UGH! I asked some friends for advice and was given a blog post that talked about using Dawn to wash out the dye runs. IT WORKED!
Odin II |
I was able to get the piece finished and it is headed to the Utah quilt guild Quilt Fest show next month.
My name |
I am not good at free motion quilting, but the bits I did on this piece were pretty good. I am trying to hid my name in the quilting.
Repeating motif |
I was able to do a repeating motif in the white section! I was so proud of myself!
You did a great job of blocking this. I also had a rust/orange color run on one quilt. That's good to know about Dawn. Did you wash the whole quilt or just spot wash the parts that had run?