I have been a
Craftsy designer for a while. I really feel they give wonderful support to their designers! I have been thinking about taking one of their online classes and recently I received an email from
Craftsy offering me a class in exchange for a review of the class.
Watching the class lesson |
It was very easy to sign up for a class. The email confirmation came right away. And me being "Last Minute Lewis" had waited until last week to order the class thinking that I would have tons of time this week to "take" the class. It doesn't matter when you order the class, the class is good forever! So if you are thinking of ordering a class and you don't have time to watch the class right now, order it anyway. It will be there and available to you when you are good and ready!
I had a few little glitches. And it was on my side, not
Craftsy's. Like I said earlier, I waited until the last minute. I also didn't read the supply list so when I started looking at the list of lesson topics I wasn't aware that I needed silk screening supplies. Does it matter? NO! I realized that I could just skip over that lesson and come back to it when I do have my silk screening stuff. I also had a bit of trouble with a lesson that froze, but it was my computer and once I cleared my cache and closed all the other windows that I had open, it was just fine. I also noticed that one of my fellow students was having problems with a frozen segment and asked for help in the lesson question area. The tech support was available to help and reached out to her.
My review is due today. As usual I ran out of time this week and didn't get to do as much with my class as I had wanted. When I get back to my class next week, what happens if I forgot where I was and what I was doing? No problem. The lesson will start where I left off! And if I need to review one of the previous lessons I can access it again.
I chose to take J
udith Trager's Art Quilt Backgrounds. I have heard good things about her live classes, so I thought it would be a good first class.
I enjoyed the introduction. The first lesson was on making test blocks with a variety of fabrics. We were assigned to do 6 blocks. In each lesson there is a place where you can see what other students have asked about and also the answers. Which is very helpful because Judith answers questions quickly.
Fabrics pulled for the first assignment.
Pieces cut
The starting blocks |
My six blocks |
The next lesson is on creating a background using fabrics in a color scheme with similar tones. So I went to the stash. . .
The Stash |
. . . I chose to do some sort of ocean scene. I have been into water lately and just love the idea of the sea and sky with some fish in the ocean.
Sky |
Ocean |
The next lesson is on designing and sewing together the background for my quilt. I really enjoyed Judith's designing information. She really does a good job of explaining how to work with an idea and various ways to accomplish it. I watched the lesson, but I haven't sewn the blocks. When I get to this next week, I will go back and watch the lesson again.
I will continue to review the class in the next couple of weeks. I really like how the class doesn't start and stop on a specific date. I like the fact the teacher is very accessible to me if and when I need help. Try out a class on
Craftsy, you will enjoy it!